History Of Voice Stress Analysis

Truth & Deception Technologies, LLC. Voice Stress Analysis application, was originally used in determining attempts at deception in law enforcement activities. In the world today you may hear the words "lie detector" in reference to this type of technology, but this type of technology actually detects deception in the human voice.

Subsequently it's advanced user friendly capabilities found additional applications in deception determination in arson, counter narcotics, insurance fraud, employment screening, private investigation, anti-terrorism, interrogation, covert counter intelligence and the like. Many agencies are currently utilizing our instrument for pre-employment examinations instead of old outdated polygraph machines.

Achieving the first significant advances in VSA since development of the Psychological Stress Evaluator (PSE). Developed was a truly computerized voice stress analysis system, which takes full advantage of digital processing to give the examiner a new set of sophisticated, analytical tools. Operational DecepTech Voice Stress Analysis Systems have been delivered to law enforcement agencies in the United States and a host of foreign nations.

The DecepTech™ Voice Stress Analysis instrumentation, weighing less than seven pounds, is the most technically advanced Voice Stress Analysis system that has yet been produced to detect, process and display changes in the physiological "Micro - tremor of Lippold" in human speech.

The graphical waveforms produced and displayed by the instrument can be interpreted by trained analysts to reveal the relative level of voice stress present in the subject. Our instrument creates printed reports quickly and easily for the examiner's review and to allow cases to be documented and shared among other examiners. Software is Windows™ compatible installing easily on any desktop or laptop computer.

Contact us for additional information or to schedule training.